USG  Tendon Scraping Neovessel Ablation

Partial list of medical references for USG tendon scraping/neovessel ablation procedure.

USG Tendon scraping - neovessel ablation

1. Basadonna P-T, Rucco V, Gasparini D, Onorato A. PLANTAR FAT PAD ATROPHY AFTER CORTICOSTEROID INJECTION FOR AN INTERDIGITAL NEUROMA: A Case Report1. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. 1999;78(3):283-285.

2. Reddy PD, Zelicof SB, Ruotolo C, Holder J. Interdigital neuroma. Local cutaneous changes after corticosteroid injection. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 1995(317):185-187.

3. Acevedo JI, Beskin JL. Complications of plantar fascia rupture associated with corticosteroid injection. Foot & Ankle International. 1998;19(2):91-97.

4. Lee HS, Choi YR, Kim SW, Lee JY, Seo JH, Jeong JJ. Risk factors affecting chronic rupture of the plantar fascia. Foot & ankle international. 2014;35(3):258-263.

5. Masci L, Neal BS, Wynter Bee W, Spang C, Alfredson H. Achilles Scraping and Plantaris Tendon Removal Improves Pain and Tendon Structure in Patients with Mid-Portion Achilles Tendinopathy-A 24 Month Follow-Up Case Series. J Clin Med. 2021 Jun 18;10(12):2695. doi: 10.3390/jcm10122695. PMID: 34207436; PMCID: PMC8233944.

6. Ruergård A, Spang C, Alfredson H. Results of minimally invasive Achilles tendon scraping and plantaris tendon removal in patients with chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy: A longer-term follow-up study. SAGE Open Med. 2019 Jan 30;7:2050312118822642. doi: 10.1177/2050312118822642. PMID: 30728966; PMCID: PMC6354305.